German-American Page/Links

The achievements and contributions of German-Americans have had a profound effect on making the United States the country it is today. Famous for their practical skills, thrift, hard work, interest in the arts, and enjoyment of good living they have left their mark indelibly on American culture and life. Only a few can be mentioned among the many who have played a special part in creating the German-American legacy. Read more...



Organizations/Groups: -Your German-American Resource 
Take Pride in your German-American Heritage and find out all you can about the History of Germans in America as well as German-American Organizations you can join for camaraderie, fun and more.

  • GAHF logo

The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® serves as the only national membership organization through which Americans, proud of their German heritage and language, work together on vital issues of common concern. With almost 18,000 members throughout the United States, we continuously strive to add programs and services which nationally highlight the contributions and achievements of our ethnic group.

  • German American National Congress

What Is DANK?

The German American National Congress, commonly referred to as DANK, actively works to preserve German culture, heritage and language in the United States. It is our aim to inspire people with Germanic heritage and those interested in German cultures and language to recognize and celebrate the culture in a number of exciting ways.

Since 1959, DANK has gone from a small group of people in the city of Chicago to an ever-growing network of chapters throughout the nation. In the last 50 years our common goals have remained the same, but how we reach them is constantly evolving.

DANK publishes its national newspaper, the German-American Journal, six times a year, hosts one of the fastest growing German-American sites on the web, produces engaging blog posts centered around German news, culture, and music, and holds a wide variety of activities throughout the country for all ages. We welcome everyone to join DANK and get involved!
